How Not to Start a Fire Near Your Water Heater

When you think of all of the ways a fire could start in your home,you probably think of faulty wires causing electrical sparks or someone leaving a towel on the stove burner. But have you ever thought about how your water heater could start a fire? It may seem like a far-fetched idea, but believe us — it’s more common than you think. If you don’t want to start a fire near your water heater, there are a few safety precautions you should take.

How Not to Start a Fire Near Your Water Heater

Keep Flammable Materials Away from Your Water Heater

Your water heater most likely uses gas or oil to go its job. Since these are already flammable materials, you shouldn’t add fuel to the fire — so to speak — by keeping any other like materials near your unit. Things such as oily rags, paint, or gas cans should be kept far away from your water heater.

Keep the Area Around Your Water Heater Clear

Your heater needs from to breathe. Crowding the area around it with debris or other objects can restrict the airflow there, causing your unit to malfunction and potentially start a fire. Make sure to always allow enough ventilation space for your heater to avoid safety hazards.

Know How to Shut Your Water Heater Off

In the event that you smell or discover a gas leak, knowing how to turn your unit off is essential if you don’t want to start a fire near your water heater. You’ll need to shut off your main gas line to prevent gas from leaking further, so it’s important to actually know where the line is and how you can shut it off.

Service Your Water Heater Annually

Getting your water heater inspected and serviced at least once a year can help spot any areas that may cause trouble later on and fix problems before they become fire hazards.

Air Treatment Company specializes in all repairs and maintenance for all makes and models of gas and electric water heaters. We’ll make sure your unit is in good-working order so you and your family are safe from fire hazards. For more information or to schedule a service, call us at (703) 270-0881.

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