AC Myths You Need to Ignore

It seems that there can be myths about everything these days — foods, history, Bigfoot (although the jury’s still out on that one). There are even false rumors about your air conditioning. While some myths get busted on TV, we’re here to debunk a few for you now. These are the AC myths you need to ignore.

Myth #1: It’s best to just get the biggest-sized AC you can afford.

Nope. The size AC you get should depend on the size of your home. You should take the general size of your home, the number of windows, amount of air leakage, and the type of roof you have into account when deciding what type and size AC you get.

Myth #2: Your AC won’t run as often if you’re using ceiling fans.

Ceiling fans only move air around, not cool it, so your AC will run normally with them on. It can actually help you feel cooler if you use ceiling fans to move the air in your home.

Myth #3: You’ll get a cold from using AC.

This is one of the biggest AC myths we’ve heard. Getting a cold depends on the virus itself, not the temperature of the room. In fact, being in a warmer room can actually allow the virus to fester and infect more people, so your AC may be keeping you healthy.

Myth #4: You save money by always having our thermostat set at the same temperature.

Incorrect. It actually saves you money in energy costs to use a programmable thermostat to allow your house to warm up when you’re not home and to start getting cool again before you get home.

Myth #5: It’s a waste of money to get your AC serviced.

Totally false. Just like a car, your AC needs regular maintenance and tune-ups in order to keep it running well. A lack of maintenance could result in your unit breaking down and leaving you sweating in your own home.

At Air Treatment Company, we offer comprehensive AC maintenance plans to keep your air conditioner in good working order and keep you cool for the summer. For more information or to schedule a service, call us at (703) 270-0881.

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